10 Things I've learned in 2016

By 07:58


1.Audio books are time saving- when you are in the car, working on a project or cleaning your house, you can always listen to audio books instead of reading them. Find them on Youtube, Spotify or Itunes.

 2.Minimalism and clarity. When I found out about the concept of minimalism- my life has changed to better. Clean your space and declutter, get rid of anything that you no longer use or it no longer brings you joy. You will feel refreshed.

3.Positive attitude makes you be a better person, motivates and makes you prettier and healthier. 

4. Don't compare yourself to others and don't compare your life to somebody's instagram life. You don't know the whole story, don't assume their life is perfect and yours isn't. You can look at anything that inspires you, just don't compare yourself to those persons or any other person. 

5.Do it if you feel like it. If it's still on your mind maybe it's worth a shot. For example it took me almost one year to start this blog because I was afraid nobody would read it. What a waste of time and energy! After all, I did it for myself then I saw the numbers growing and it blows my mind there are hundreds of people reading my blog every day.

6. You can fight depression. I promise you can if you become aware of it and the fact that it is a situation you want to fix. 

7.Drink a lot of water. There is a looong list of benefits of drinking water. If it's hard to drink it plain, add lemon or cucumber in it. 

8.Love and passion is the foundation of life. Fall in love with everything you do and do it with passion. Even waking up in the morning can be made with passion instead of complaining. 

9.24 hours/day is enough if you manage to organise your schedule. Make lists. As many as you need to stay organised.

10. Respect youself and the people around you. Talk to yourself  as you would talk to a person you care about. You would never told him/her she/him is no good,isn't it? Once you've managed the self-respect, you will apreciate others as well.



1.Cartile audio te ajuta sa salvezi timp- cand esti in masina, la birou sau chiar atunci cand faci curatenie in casa, ai posibilitatea de a asculta o carte fara sa o tii in mana fizic sa o citesti. Gasesti carti audio pe Youtube, Spotify sau Itunes.

2.Minimalismul si claritatea. Cand am descoperit conceptul de "minimalism" - viata mi s-a schimbat in bine. Curata-ti spatiul si renunta la orice obiect care nu iti mai aduce fericire sau care nu iti mai foloseste. Ai sa simti cum ti se reimprospateaza casa si mintea.

 3.Atitudinea pozitiva te ajuta sa fi un om mai bun, te motiveaza si te face o persoana mai frumoasa si mai sanatoasa. 

4.Nu te compara cu ceilalti si mai mult, incearca sa nu compari viata ta cu viata unei persoane pe care o vezi pe Instagram. Nu cunosti intreaga poveste, nu presupune ca viata lor este perfecta si a ta nu este. Priveste tot ceea ce te inspira, insa nu face comparatii intre tine si altcineva. 

5.Fa-o daca simti asta. Daca este inca in mintea ta poate ca merita o sansa. De exemplu mie mi-a luat aproape un an sa incep acest blog pentru ca imi era teama ca nu va citi nimeni ceea ce scriu. Ce pierdere de timp si energie! Pana la urma, am facut-o pentru mine si apoi am vazut cifrele crescand. Mi se pare uimitor faptul ca sunt sute de oameni care imi acceseaza blogul in fiecare zi. 

6.Poti invinge depresia. Iti promit ca poti daca devii constient de ea si de faptul ca este o situatie pe care vrei sa o rezolvi.

7.Bea muuulta apa. Apa are o lista lunga de beneficii iar daca ti se pare greu de baut simpla, adauga lamaie sau castravete in ea.

8.Iubirea si pasiunea fac parte din fundatia vietii. Indragosteste-te de tot ceea ce faci si fa-o cu pasiune. Chiar si trezitul de dimineata poate fi realizat in acest fel.

9.24 ore/zi sunt destule daca stii sa iti organizezi programul. Fa liste. Cat de multe ai nevoie pentru a putea ramane organizata.

10.Respect- pentru tine si pentru oamenii din jurul tau. Vorbeste-ti in acelasi fel precum ai vorbi cu o persoana de care iti pasa. Nu i-ai spune niciodata ca nu este buna de nimic, nu-i asa? Odata ce ai reusit sa te respecti pe tine insuti, ii vei aprecia si pe cei din jurul tau.


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